Ta’n me’j Tel-keknuo’ltiek: How Unique We Still Are Exhibit

Branding & Logo Design, Creative Consulting & Illustration

I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a part of the Ta’n me’j Tel-keknuo’ltiek: How Unique We Still Are exhibition. Having the chance to share my art, designs, and insights with the world as a Mi’kmaw Graphic Designer & Illustrator continues to be an honouring experience.

I view this exhibit as a spotlight recognition on a diverse, resilient culture. How Unique We Still Are is a celebration of a people and their way of life. It is a survival of a culture, their stories & livelihoods. Livelihoods that are still being fought for today.

Ta’n me’j Tel-keknuo’ltiek is the opportunity to utilize every aspect of my love as a Designer & Artist with the knowledge and respect for my culture to educate. It is a chance to restore and preserve the stories and literal impressions of my ancestors.

Our logo renews and continues the teachings behind the double-curve motif and its significance in Mi’kmaw culture. The mirroring image of the double-curve reminds us to keep balance in our lives. Across Mi’kma’ki, the motif represents our earth & spirit journeys. The left spiral signifies the start of life in the womb, while the right represents the latter.

In each piece of artwork, I utilize traditional and modern Mi’kmaw colours coupled with re-creations of historical petroglyphs found at Kejimkujik Park and McGowan Lake, Nova Scotia. These re-creations represent the stories that narrate the essence of each of the four Mi’kmaw thematic concepts used throughout the exhibit: Ta’n me’j Tel-keknuo’ltiek, Netukulimk, Msit No ‘kmaq & Siawa’sik.

I hope every aspect of our efforts over the last two years leaves viewers with a piece of newfound knowledge and a fresh perspective of how unique Mi’kmaq people continue to be.

Wela’lin | Thank You

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